Follow me on a journey. First stop: Procrastination Station!

Once I had my palm read.

She told me I was a perfectionist.

I said I was a procrastinator.

Apparently, they are one in the same.

If things aren't going to be done well, they often don't get done.

Makes sense to me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Day 2... did I really make any resolutions this year? I jokingly posted that I would try to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012, which is probably as good as it will get in the resolutions department.  Keeping up with this blog...likely to not happen.  Exercise more...certainly likely to not happen.  Cut back on the tv and the Pepsi, floss more, stop procrastinating so much.  All.  Likely. To. Not. Happen.

Agent Asia sent me emails and Skyped twice today...feeling better about that.  6 more days and he will be back in Canada...15 months has been too long.  And if I had any money I would bet it will be closer to 16. 

A brownie and the Brit Neighbor Girl are what motivated me to actually get out of the house today.  It is just too cold.  Oh, and the cats...Ew and Ew.  I don't understand why people have cats.  Seriously, they are so dirty...they stand in their dirty litter box and then walk all over your furniture and your counter and sleep in your bed...that is so disgusting.  How do people not see that? 

Emily Owens, MD:  pretty good show, a little less intense than Grey's Anatomy but very similar.  It will get a second season, but a third is iffy.  Once Upon a's tv for the night.  So far it is not as glorious as the first could be one to drop.  Almost 9:00 PM, time for dinner, a Pepsi and some tv.  I'll clean tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

This has happened a million times before...I start something like this and then I never finish it.  So, here we go...again.  2013...January 1.  I did nothing; is this a premonition for the upcoming year?

 I went for coffee with Mr. Clueless.  Is it ever socially acceptable to tell people they are clueless?  I guess I have to wait for the excuse of senility.  I feel old sometimes...but I am still too far from that excuse.

 Fed the cats...ew and ew. 

Spent the rest of the day watching tv.  It is a sad obsession but it is what it is.  Nashville is my new favorite.  Catching up on New Girl now.  Might have to drop this one, it just isn't that entertaining.  Especially an episode about a 30 year old who is worried about not having anymore eggs.  Ridiculous. 

Operation Blackout from Asia is in play.  I don't like it.  There should at least be an email.